Sleep regression—a phrase that can send shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned parents. As your once sound sleeper begins to experience unexpected disruptions in their sleep patterns, you may find yourself wondering if sleep regression is a real phenomenon or just another parenting myth. Fear not, for we're here to shed light on the facts surrounding sleep regressions, offering tips on how to not only survive but thrive during these challenging times.
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What Is Sleep Regression?
Sleep regressions are not just a few rough nights of sleep; they signify a distinct change in your baby's sleep behaviour. Suddenly, your good sleeper may experience multiple wake-ups, increased fussiness, and resistance to bedtime. These regressions are more than a passing phase, lasting anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. While not every baby goes through noticeable sleep regressions, they are surprisingly common, so preparation is key.

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When does Sleep Regression Start?
While some experts note regressions around four, eight, 12, and 18 months, the most significant and well-understood is the four-month sleep regression. This pivotal shift in your baby's sleep pattern, often occurring a month early or late, is a permanent change. Other regressions may coincide with developmental milestones like sitting up, crawling, standing, and the discomfort associated with teething. Understanding these milestones can better prepare you for potential sleep disruptions.

What Causes Sleep Regressions?
At around 10 to 12 weeks of age, your baby's body begins developing its circadian rhythm, the internal clock regulating wakefulness and sleep. As sleep patterns mature, babies transition between lighter sleep cycles, making them more susceptible to waking up. Other regressions are linked to significant developmental changes, such as motor skills and brain development, teething, and the understanding of object permanence.

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How to Handle Sleep Regressions:
Preparation is key in tackling sleep regressions. Establish good sleep habits early on, encouraging your baby to transition from wakefulness to sleep independently. This may involve some tears and frustration, but the long-term benefits are invaluable.
Create a consistent bedtime routine, signalling to your baby that sleep is the next step. Ensure the sleep environment is conducive to rest—dark and relaxing—with the addition of a white noise machine to drown out potential disturbances.
When dealing with nighttime wake-ups, consistency is crucial. Consult with your child's provider to determine if your baby is ready to self-soothe. If you choose to intervene, keep the lights low and noises minimal. Shushing and calming without picking up your baby can encourage them to drift back to sleep.

Sleep regressions may be tough, but remember, your baby is navigating significant developmental changes. Collaborate with your partner or support person, maintain good sleep habits, and offer comfort when needed. This challenging phase will pass, leaving you with a stronger, more resilient family. This too shall pass, mama and papa.
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